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Feb 22, 2021

Discover 5 ways on how to celebrate Purim! These exciting ways to celebrate Purim will make this feast a joyful one to remember.

Purim is such a joyous and wonderful celebration. It is a festival that every generation should enjoy and celebrate every year. This Biblical feast is based on the Book of Esther.

And here are 5 ways on how to celebrate Purim with your friends and family.

1. Make a plan Purim is simple to plan.

I recommend marking it on your calendar now and set a reminder to start prepping a week ahead of time.

2. Pray

Pray for God’s chosen people - the Jewish nation - around the world. Ask God to protect them from lies and evil plots for their destruction, which are still rampant today.

3. Gather

Gather some fun noise makers. Think “New Year’s Eve” style and yes, even fireworks! Gather crowns, hats, and costumes. Get creative with things you have around the house.

4. Decorate

Find your favorite fun decorations. The theme is kings, princesses, queens, royalty, victory! Again, use what’s around the house (although, of course, a bit of shopping isn’t out of the question). Get the kids involved. Ask them for ideas. Provide arts and crafts materials so they can help in the preparations and decorations.

5 Make and give gifts to friends and people in need

Plan this with your kids. Ask them who they want to give gifts to and bless. If you have trouble deciding who to bless, cast lots to decide. This is how Haman chose the day of the holocaust. Purim means lots. The casting of lots. It is also known as the feast of lots.

Here are 5 ways on how to celebrate Purim this year and every single year. How about you? How do you celebrate Purim? Let me know in the comments below!

Learn more about these fun ways to celebrate Purim at home