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Feb 20, 2021

Can you lose weight on the Bible diet? Discover the surprising link between the Bible diet and weight loss - and be your best self today!

Now let’s get started with today’s questions.

1. What are the healthy fats of the Bible? (Jamie)

Visiting Israel you will be met with the most delicious foods ever. The restaurants and hotels buffets are delicious. The fats in Israel – include the fats of the bible. Olives and avocados are in Israel, nuts, pistachios mentioned in genesis 43:11, fish – fresh, from the sea of galilee and the Mediterranean.

Even favorites such as chickpeas to make hummus has a small number of fats.

2. How do I lose weight eating this way? (Nick)

Learning how to recognize our body signals is the way we were intended to live. Yes, in the biblical days they had celebrations and there are also 20 verses on gluttony.

Yet – food is not meant to consume us as it does today. Eating foods God designed in their purest form is what makes any diet work. Eating foods only when you are hungry and stopping when you are satisfied – brings freedom to be at the weight you were created to be. Never overweight. Too many times we eat because of addictions – I really love my _____ Or we eat for fun. I love my popcorn and doritos when I watch.

Or we eat because of habit. Your body was created with cues – hunger and satisfied. Today we have to learn these cues and heal the microbiome so the hormones – ghrelin, and leptin can work for us. To many people are leptin resistant – which means they will have a difficult time learning hunger satisfied cues. Their weight will continue to be a struggle. We can change that – it takes work. The deeper we are in the food addictions – the harder the climb out.

When I interviewed Dr Michael Brown – from Ask Dr brown – he shared it was easier to overcome his heroin addiction than his food addiction. Yet – it was not impossible. And today he has gone 6 years free of his food addiction and plus has not had 600 headaches – since he had headaches at least 3 times per week.

So was it worth it to eat this way – by all means – emphatically yes. So losing weight is very possible – and it will happen. Stay focused and enjoy the journey.

3. How can I obey God more with my diet? (Sara)

Obeying God is about being responsive to what he is calling you to do. And yes – God spoke to me many times about my health and eating. And yes – my eating and health were at an impasse. One had to change – either call God a liar – I can’t lose weight – let me have my ice cream Or I had to change my heart and let God show me his love and grace. Then stop living as if tomorrow does not matter – start living as if my health was necessary - and it is.

4. How can I stick to an eating plan when my family refuses to? (Tom) Good question. The first answer is - you are the only person responsible for what you eat. I doubt you are being force-fed. This means – make is a joy to eat healthy – not a prison sentence.

Make it fun to cook – new recipes, tasty and delicious wins many people to eat healthy. Then start enjoying life. As you eat healthy life becomes more fun - now showoff that fun! I am saying don’t limit God. If this is his desire for you to care for your temple and enjoy His foods then ask God to change the hearts of your family. This is not a foreign idea or magic. It is praying God’s Words back to Him and asking for your heart’s desire.

Learn more about the Bible Diet here