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Dec 30, 2020

What is Glyphosate? Is it Safe? Is it possible to avoid Glyphosate?
Learn what Glyphosate is, where it comes from, and all of the foods that contain glyphosate in this podcast episode.

It’s my honor and my blessing to be your nutritionist, your biblical nutritionist and help you understand how your body works, how to buy healthy foods and just how to have an amazing life.

I teach in the treasures of Healthy Living Bible study to follow three principles. And those principles are to eat the foods that God called food for us. And number two is to eat those foods that are close to the way he designed.

Well, that kind of gets a little questionable when we look at the word glyphosate.

What is Glyphosate? Is Glyphosate

Glyphosate is an herbicide, but it’s made for two reasons one to kill and number two is to ripen.

Glyphosate in Food – 7 Surprising Glyphosate Truths That Will Shock Your World

1. There are 750 products for sale in the U.S that contain glyphosate.

This number does not even count the food products. According to the National Pesticide Information Center, there are 750 products for sale in America that have glyphosate in them.

2. Glyphosate is not a selective herbicide.

Now, glyphosate is a non selective herbicide, which means if you spray it on something, it’s going to die. That’s what it’s determined to do.

3. Glyphosate stops a specific enzyme pathway.

It interrupts protein synthesis. And this is an enzyme pathway that’s very necessary for plants and for microorganisms.

4. You can be exposed to it just by your skin by inhaling or ingesting it.

This is the danger of being affected by glyphosate… And yes, you can eat it since many food products have it! Those who are exposed to glyphosate may drool, vomit, have diarrhea, lose their appetite. Well, that’s just with one exposure. What if you have repeated exposures? That’s not being studied…

5. Pets are severely at risk for glyphosate.

If you’re spraying your yard with a roundup or a weed killer that has glyphosate and then your pets walk on that yard – that’s extremely toxic to them.

6. Glyphosate can kill fish and wildlife.

This chemical has a huge effect. It’s a popular herbicide used to kill certain plants, grasses, and even fish and wildlife!

7. Glyphosate can cause health problems.

We will go to that more in a minute but yes, glyphosate is linked in cancer, among other health issues.

Why is Glyphosate in Food?

Many farmers use it during food production. It’s often used on fruits and vegetables. It’s used on glyphosate resistant crops like canola, corn, cotton, soybean, sugar beets, and wheat. They also use it in the greenhouse.

Time is money and the quicker they can turn crops around, the quicker they can turn animals that are being raised for food, the quicker they can grow up and raise them and get them to the grocery store, the faster they can turn around on their money.

So, glyphosate goes into foods very early in the food chain before the raw food is even harvested, and before it’s processed,

Foods with Glyphosate

Here are several foods that are coated with and affected by glyphosate:

Quaker Oats Old Fashioned Oats
Kidney Beans
Dried Peas

Is Glyphosate Safe For Humans?

Let’s talk about long term health risks.

Number one is cancer. Glyphosate is linked with cancer including cancer of the bones, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and brain cancer.

The dairy obtained from cows eating a diet of soybeans with high levels of glyphosate can increase your risk of liver and kidney damage. There are also reproductive issues and skeletal defects in babies.